Chris Evans doesn’t want outlets to post photos of him having a bad hair day on his face.
The “Avengers” star seemed quite perturbed when he stumbled upon a story by Entertainment Tonight Canada on Twitter Tuesday that featured this fan-stasche-tic photo of him sporting some interesting facial hair.
In fact, he was so annoyed by the site’s decision to choose this particular image that he decided to hilariously take his frustrations out on the entire nation of Canada.
“This is clearly an act of aggression. There are literally hundreds of photos to choose from. What did I ever do to you, Canada?” said Captain America.
And of course, many on Twitter had a few jokes of their own.
In ET Canada’s defense, the photos of a mustached Evans are the most recent photos of him on Getty, which was what probably led to this unappealing one being used by the outlet. ET Canada fessed up to as much on Twitter.
Evans, 37, grew the mustache early last year for a role in the Broadway play “Lobby Hero.” He alluded to Seth Meyers at the time that he was not a fan of the look, saying that it made him resemble either a cop or a porn star.
“I know it’s just a mustache but it changes my whole face,” Evans told the host on his late night talk show.
The actor did admit that the upper lip hair did have one perk, though — anonymity ― along with an accompanying downside.
“I can look people dead in their eyes,” he said. “Not only do they not recognize me, you get some strange [looks] … you get like mustache profiled.”
Well, on behalf of America, we love you mustached or not, Chris.