Two brides got to experience a real-life fairy-tale moment on their wedding day. Now their sweet story is capturing the internet’s heart.
On Feb. 14, bride Bea Webster-Mockett posted a now-viral tweet about a heartwarming interaction she and her wife, Emma, had with a little boy and his mom during their Nov. 10 nuptials in Glasgow, Scotland.

The newlyweds were taking pictures with their photographer, Kirsty McLachlan, at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens when they heard the boy shout, “Look at those princesses!”
“My wife and I decided we had to speak to him,” Emma Webster-Mockett told HuffPost.
When they walked over, the boy asked, “Did one of you get married?” to which Emma replied: “We married each other!”
“Two princesses then?” the little boy asked. His mom explained, “Yes, two princesses can marry each other!”
According to the couple, the boy’s mind seemed blown in the most delightful way. They, too, were moved by the brief-but-memorable encounter.
“I nearly cried!” Emma said. “My wife was just over the moon. And we were both delighted that the boy’s mother didn’t hesitate and just stepped right in and normalized same-sex marriage.”

“It was something we will never forget,” she added. “And it made our day a bit more magical.”
Bea shared the story on Twitter as a way to commemorate the couple’s second anniversary of dating (they originally got together on Valentine’s Day 2017) but never thought her little tweet would go viral. Now that it’s gained traction, Emma said she hopes their story will inspire others to be as loving and open-minded as the little boy.
“I hope that people see that if a child could understand two women marrying each other, then why can’t lawmakers and people who have the power to make a difference see that too?” she said. “And give the LGBTQIA+ community the same rights and treatment as heterosexual people.”
Below, see more lovely photos from the couple’s big day: