Remember Madhur Jaffrey from Madhur Jaffrey’s Flavours of India—that cooking show that used air on Discovery Travel and Living back in the 90s? Well, she is back with a bang as this OG grandma in Zohran Mamdani aka Mr Cardamom’s latest rap called Nani.
Jaffrey, also a renowned actor, is best known for her work in Shakespeare Wallah and the recent NBC sitcom I Feel Bad.
The rap video, in fact, begins with a much younger and polite Jaffrey from the cooking show telling her viewers, “I am going to make you some country side chicken curry.”
Soon we see an older Jaffrey, now a nani (maternal grandmother), being told off by a younger man, presumably her son.
And that’s when the magic begins. Jaffrey raps in Mr Cardamom’s voice, “I am the best damn nani that you ever done see.”
As the man goes on she raps, “I am the number one nani don’t fuck with me.”
Soon we see Jaffrey change her avatar from docile granny to badass nani — she puts on red lipstick, some gold jewellery and even smokes pot.
The New York Times reported that the song was written as a tribute for Mamdani’s 85-year-old grandmother Praveen Nair.
Mamdani is a rapper from Queens, United States
Watch the video here and glory in Jaffrey’s all-round awesomeness: