NEW YORK ― Priyanka Chopra admits that when she first met Nick Jonas, she underestimated him.
“I judged a book by its cover,” she told the audience at Tina Brown’s 10th Annual Women in the World Summit on Thursday in New York City. “He surprised me so much.”
The actress and philanthropist, who married Jonas in a magnificent three-day wedding on Dec. 1 of last year, spoke candidly about the way that Jonas had supported her ambition from the very beginning of their relationship. She shared an anecdote from one of their first dates. They were out with a bunch of their friends, and Chopra had a meeting. She began dropping hints to the group about needing an excuse to cancel her meeting, but Jonas wasn’t biting.
“I said it twice. I said it thrice,” said Chopra. “And finally he pulled me aside and was like, ‘Look, I’m not stupid, I know what you’re trying to do. But I will never be the one that tells you to cancel work, because I know how hard you work to be where you are. If you could have canceled the meeting, you would have done it.’” Jonas then offered to take the group out to dinner and said they would wait for her to finish up her meeting.
This interaction marked an inflection point for Chopra.
“I was like, this is the first person anyone has ever done that for me,” she said, “who gave me credit for what I have done.”
The actress also spoke about what it’s been like to watch women in Hollywood (and Bollywood) speak up in such great numbers since the rise of the Me Too movement.
“Sexual harassment had become a norm with women,” she said. “Now because of the support we are giving each other, people don’t have the power to shut us down.”