LUCKNOW — A 28-year-old Dalit man, mistaken as a thief and set afire for entering a house to avoid stray dogs in Barabanki district, succumbed to his injuries in a hospital here, said police.
Victim Sujit Kumar, who was admitted in the Syama Prasad Mukherjee Civil Hospital in Lucknow with 40% burns, died on Monday.
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Chief Medical Superintendent Ashutosh Dubey of the hospital said Kumar had suffered burns in his legs and had been put under observation as he was critical.
His wounds had also developed infection, which had spread to other parts of the body, the doctor said.
The incident took place in Deva area of Barabanki’s Raghopur village on July 19.
Kumar was going to his in-laws’ house at around 2 am on Friday when stray dogs began barking at him and chasing him, said police, adding he entered into a house to avoid dogs.
The occupants of the house mistook him for a thief, beat him up and set him on fire after dousing him with petrol, Barabanki Superintendent of Police Akash Tomar said.
An FIR has been registered against four people under the Indian Penal Code, he said, adding two of the accused ― Shravan and Umesh Yadav ― were arrested last week.
Two others were arrested later, he said, adding a probe is on in the matter.