Every marketer knows an effective advertising campaign can help increase brand awareness. But spending truckloads of cash on traditional media is not necessarily the most effective way to get the maximum bang for your buck! In today’s day and age if you aren’t thinking click-through rates, digital campaigns and ROI, are you running an optimized campaign? No! So, if you want to target someone who is best suited for your brand, here are a few tips that will get your digital campaign over the edge:
1. Diversify: When marketing digitally, don’t put your eggs in one basket. In order words, experiment with different platforms. The digital world is constantly changing and that means the users on these platforms are constantly exposed to new products. While Facebook might work for a certain sect of people, Instagram could give you a better ROI. Mix up your marketing plan and diversify your budget into various platforms.
2. Make web push notifications your best friend: Customer engagement is not something which can be achieved in a jiffy; it requires persistent efforts. To make a greater impact, re-engagement is the key and push notifications are the way to do it. The adoption of push notification is rapid across industries including e-commerce, content publishing, retailers, B2B SaaS, travelling, Banking, Financial, and Insurance. Push notifications are quick, small-sized updates that are pushed by the website publishers to the website users on their desktops and mobile devices. When visitors arrive on the site, they will receive a prompt to subscribe. If accepted, visitors receive notifications even when they are not on the site and when clicked it will take the user to the sender-specified landing page. Also, did you know that a push notification platform like Truepush provides more than 5-10 times better user engagement than emails for free? Learn more about Truepush here.

3. Create a persona: One of the biggest advantages of new-age marketing over traditional marketing is that in digital you can get into the nitty-gritty of your ideal customer. Don’t feel shy about getting into details of gender, age, location, likes and interests, political views, etc. The more details your persona has, the easier it gets to target him/her. And a targeted campaign not only yields better results in terms of ROI but also helps improve your position in the algorithm (that means more organic views!). Targeted campaigns could be achieved through Audience segmentation feature provided from the Truepush notification tool.”

4. Don’t forget to email: While ads on search engines and social media platforms are great, don’t forget to engage your customers where it matters the most, in his or her inbox. Use mailing tools like MailChimp to create eye-catching emailers to secure a spot in the primary inbox instead of the spam folder. Emails are also a great way to inform your customers about ongoing promotions and discounts
5. Remember, budget is king: The best thing about a digital marketing campaign is that no budget is too small and a larger budget doesn’t necessarily guarantee you success! So experiment with budgets and keep altering it as you go on. Continuous alter your budget (in real-time) to get the maximum engagement from your target audience. Free tools like Truepush are great for budgeted marketing campaigns and offers user engagement for free that would be great for any brand!

Need more to empower your business? Get free push notification from Truepush.