A Shiv Sena member in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday made a strong pitch for hike in the salaries of lawmakers, contending that the current salary of Rs 50,000 is not enough to even offer tea to visitors from the constituency.
Raising the issue during zero hour, Krupal Balaji Tumane lamented that the bill to enhance the pay and perks of Members of Parliament has been delayed for long. He was supported by several members.
He wanted the government to act on the recommendations of the Parliamentary committee concerned "without bothering about the reaction from the media" which does not take into account the work done by the lawmakers.
Besides, he said that several members of the state Assemblies including those from Maharashtra, Delhi and Jharkhand draw more salary than the MPs.
He also said that the Lok Sabha this time mainly comprises representatives who hail from the "middle class"
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Raising the issue during zero hour, Krupal Balaji Tumane lamented that the bill to enhance the pay and perks of Members of Parliament has been delayed for long. He was supported by several members.
He wanted the government to act on the recommendations of the Parliamentary committee concerned "without bothering about the reaction from the media" which does not take into account the work done by the lawmakers.
Besides, he said that several members of the state Assemblies including those from Maharashtra, Delhi and Jharkhand draw more salary than the MPs.
He also said that the Lok Sabha this time mainly comprises representatives who hail from the "middle class"
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