Anyone who has WhatsApp, the messaging application with more than 1 billion users, can probably testify that well-meaning friends and family members often take it upon themselves to send the most meaningless and unnecessary photos and other assorted junk, creating a right mess in the bargain. Now, you can clean it right up with a new app called Magic Cleaner by Siftr. The app will help you identify rubbish photos and delete them in a matter of seconds.
The app is very simple to use. Once it is installed, it will ask for your permission for SD card access. Once given, you launch the app and it will start analyzing photos in batches of 500. In each batch, it will identify junk photos category wise. Then you can either choose to delete them all with one button or save some to later torment other people on your contact list.
The various categories defined in the app are Greetings and Memes, Quotes, Scans, Screenshots, Cartoons and Comic Strips. These categories are identified by an algorithm, which sends the data to the cloud for analysis and the results are presented to the user within seconds.
"Every day we received a lot of images on WhatsApp such as inspirational quotes and good morning messages. Clearing those images out every day is a huge effort. So we made an engine to identify junk images by feeding it tons of images of the same category. Now our engine is very accurate in the picture identification," says Romil Mittal, co-founder of Siftr.
The company specializes in image identification, deep learning and categorization. One of their products is Organizer which takes your photos from different sources and makes neat collections of various categories. The company says that Google Photos does create collections but relies on locations.
"You can search for keywords in Google Photos. But we intuitively make collections for you. For instance, we make a collection of your party photos from all platforms," says Mittal. Magic Cleaner currently available on Android.
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The app is very simple to use. Once it is installed, it will ask for your permission for SD card access. Once given, you launch the app and it will start analyzing photos in batches of 500. In each batch, it will identify junk photos category wise. Then you can either choose to delete them all with one button or save some to later torment other people on your contact list.
The various categories defined in the app are Greetings and Memes, Quotes, Scans, Screenshots, Cartoons and Comic Strips. These categories are identified by an algorithm, which sends the data to the cloud for analysis and the results are presented to the user within seconds.
"Every day we received a lot of images on WhatsApp such as inspirational quotes and good morning messages. Clearing those images out every day is a huge effort. So we made an engine to identify junk images by feeding it tons of images of the same category. Now our engine is very accurate in the picture identification," says Romil Mittal, co-founder of Siftr.
The company specializes in image identification, deep learning and categorization. One of their products is Organizer which takes your photos from different sources and makes neat collections of various categories. The company says that Google Photos does create collections but relies on locations.
"You can search for keywords in Google Photos. But we intuitively make collections for you. For instance, we make a collection of your party photos from all platforms," says Mittal. Magic Cleaner currently available on Android.
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