According to many reports, Ranbir Kapoor has recently purchased new property in Mumbai. Pretty routine stuff. Most well-to-do people at some stage in their life purchase a house, especially in the city's Bandra area, if they’re doing well for themselves. But this isn't just a normal purchase -- the actor has paid ₹35 crores for a flat with the carpet area of 2469.60 square feet, which works out to a jaw-dropping ₹1,42,184 per square foot.
We’d like to give you a moment to process that.
The deal, as reported first by The Golden Sparrow, is the most expensive one ever clinched in Mumbai, surpassing some of the most high-profile real-estate transactions that have taken place even in South Mumbai, where property prices have traditionally always been stratospheric.
It isn’t clear why Ranbir paid almost triple of what appears to be the market price in the area. According to the going rates, the flat shouldn’t have cost more than ₹11.31 crore, reported The Golden Sparrow, which is in possession of the papers relating to the deal.
For a more meticulous understanding of how astronomical this amount really is, we at HuffPost India decided to break it down in Bollywood terms.
352 sq ft of RK’s new house = Entire budget of Neeraj Ghaywan’s award-winning film Masaan
Richa Chadda in 'Masaan'
As the director revealed in a Reddit Q&A, Masaan’s budget was ‘less than ₹5 crores.’
105.49 sq ft = Lifetime box-office collections of the much-acclaimed film Titli
A still from 'Titli'
As a Bollywood Hungama report noted, Titli, despite the critical acclaim and numerous festival screenings, the film earned a total of ₹1.80 crore at the box-office, or as much as the cost of RK’s new bathroom.
1.40 sq ft = What an Assistant Director makes on a mid-budget Bollywood film
Going by several responses on Quora by working ADs in Bollywood, they make not more than ₹2 lakh per month, in the best case scenario.
1.75 sq ft = What filmmakers get when their film wins a National Award
S.S Rajamouli, the director of Best Feature Film 'Baahubali', sits during the National Film Awards presentation ceremony in New Delhi
While they are known for their prestige, which cannot be quantified in monetary terms, the cash prize given to the winner of the National Award for Best Feature film is the relatively paltry sum of ₹2,50,000.
1054 sq ft = Deepika Padukone’s reported remuneration per film (she’s done 3 with Ranbir and has consistently delivered more hits than him)
As reported by India Today, Deepika charges ₹15 crore for a film, less than half of what Ranbir makes (around ₹37 crores).
211 sq ft = The budget of Anurag Kashyap’s upcoming film Raman Raghav 2.0
The cast of 'Raman Raghav 2.0 at a promotional event
The director, who last made a film with Kapoor himself, has now made a ‘small film’ at a reported cost of ₹3 crores — the cost of RK’s study, perhaps.
421.98 sq. ft = What the most expensive Bollywood song ever cost to shoot
A still from the song, featuring Sonakshi Sinha and Akshay Kumar
As reported by MTV, Party All Night from Tony D’Souza’s Boss (2014) is the most-expensive Bollywood song ever (no, seriously) and that cost its producers a cool ₹6 crores — or one of the bedrooms in RK’s new house.
175.82 sq ft = Cost of production of one episode of India’s most expensive TV show — 24
Anil Kapoor in a still from '24'
The show costs its broadcaster Colors almost ₹2.5 crores per episode, as reported by Business Standard.
We’d like to give you a moment to process that.
The deal, as reported first by The Golden Sparrow, is the most expensive one ever clinched in Mumbai, surpassing some of the most high-profile real-estate transactions that have taken place even in South Mumbai, where property prices have traditionally always been stratospheric.
It isn’t clear why Ranbir paid almost triple of what appears to be the market price in the area. According to the going rates, the flat shouldn’t have cost more than ₹11.31 crore, reported The Golden Sparrow, which is in possession of the papers relating to the deal.
For a more meticulous understanding of how astronomical this amount really is, we at HuffPost India decided to break it down in Bollywood terms.
352 sq ft of RK’s new house = Entire budget of Neeraj Ghaywan’s award-winning film Masaan
Richa Chadda in 'Masaan'
As the director revealed in a Reddit Q&A, Masaan’s budget was ‘less than ₹5 crores.’
105.49 sq ft = Lifetime box-office collections of the much-acclaimed film Titli
A still from 'Titli'
As a Bollywood Hungama report noted, Titli, despite the critical acclaim and numerous festival screenings, the film earned a total of ₹1.80 crore at the box-office, or as much as the cost of RK’s new bathroom.
1.40 sq ft = What an Assistant Director makes on a mid-budget Bollywood film
Going by several responses on Quora by working ADs in Bollywood, they make not more than ₹2 lakh per month, in the best case scenario.
1.75 sq ft = What filmmakers get when their film wins a National Award
S.S Rajamouli, the director of Best Feature Film 'Baahubali', sits during the National Film Awards presentation ceremony in New Delhi
While they are known for their prestige, which cannot be quantified in monetary terms, the cash prize given to the winner of the National Award for Best Feature film is the relatively paltry sum of ₹2,50,000.
1054 sq ft = Deepika Padukone’s reported remuneration per film (she’s done 3 with Ranbir and has consistently delivered more hits than him)
As reported by India Today, Deepika charges ₹15 crore for a film, less than half of what Ranbir makes (around ₹37 crores).
211 sq ft = The budget of Anurag Kashyap’s upcoming film Raman Raghav 2.0
The cast of 'Raman Raghav 2.0 at a promotional event
The director, who last made a film with Kapoor himself, has now made a ‘small film’ at a reported cost of ₹3 crores — the cost of RK’s study, perhaps.
421.98 sq. ft = What the most expensive Bollywood song ever cost to shoot
A still from the song, featuring Sonakshi Sinha and Akshay Kumar
As reported by MTV, Party All Night from Tony D’Souza’s Boss (2014) is the most-expensive Bollywood song ever (no, seriously) and that cost its producers a cool ₹6 crores — or one of the bedrooms in RK’s new house.
175.82 sq ft = Cost of production of one episode of India’s most expensive TV show — 24
Anil Kapoor in a still from '24'
The show costs its broadcaster Colors almost ₹2.5 crores per episode, as reported by Business Standard.