As Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa returned to power for a second time on Thursday, ecstatic AIADMK supporters took to the streets, beating drums, breaking into dance and song and chanting her name to celebrate their love for 'Amma'. At her residence, meanwhile, men queued up to congratulate her and present her with bouquets of red roses.
The sycophancy of Amma fans is well known -- one even got himself nailed to a cross to express his undying devotion to Jayalalithaa. The power she holds over her supporters was in plain sight today as grown men tripped over themselves to present flowers to her, touch her feet and get her blessings as a posse of mediapersons captured the moment.
A couple of them even prostrated themselves at her feet.
Take a look.
Jayalalithaa bucked a tradition in the state today by winning a second term while in power.
The 68-year-old leader is also known as 'Puratchi Thalaivi' or the Revolutionary Leader, and is revered as a mother in the state, despite allegations of corruption.
The sycophancy of Amma fans is well known -- one even got himself nailed to a cross to express his undying devotion to Jayalalithaa. The power she holds over her supporters was in plain sight today as grown men tripped over themselves to present flowers to her, touch her feet and get her blessings as a posse of mediapersons captured the moment.
A couple of them even prostrated themselves at her feet.
Take a look.
WATCH: Jayalalithaa's supporters congratulate her on victory in Tamil Nadu Assembly #Election2016
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 19, 2016
Jayalalithaa bucked a tradition in the state today by winning a second term while in power.
The 68-year-old leader is also known as 'Puratchi Thalaivi' or the Revolutionary Leader, and is revered as a mother in the state, despite allegations of corruption.