Filmmaker Deepa Mehta, known for her unconventional and controversial films, has cast Randeep Hooda to play the role of a stylish Sikh gangster in Beeba Boys. He appears to have adapted to the part quite well judging by the fast-paced trailer that features Hooda as a cocksure, confident young crime leader with his gang (the boys).
The movie (initially called Inland) also stars Gulshan Grover, and Ali Momen, and is inspired from Vancouver's mafia situation in the late 80's and 90's. Based on the gangsters then, Beeba Boys promises to be a violent flick, and revolves around one Jeet Johar (played by Randeep Hooda), a sikh gangster who assembles a team of young men to establish his rule over the drugs and arms scene. In an interview with Mumbai Mirror, Deepa Mehta revealed that Jeet's role was based on Bindy Johal, a crime leader who operated in Canada, and was eventually killed in a nightclub in Vancouver.
Randeep has been introducing each of his 'boys' on Twitter, recently:
Here's a look at the action-packed trailer:
The movie is scheduled for release in October in Hindi, Punjabi and English.
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The movie (initially called Inland) also stars Gulshan Grover, and Ali Momen, and is inspired from Vancouver's mafia situation in the late 80's and 90's. Based on the gangsters then, Beeba Boys promises to be a violent flick, and revolves around one Jeet Johar (played by Randeep Hooda), a sikh gangster who assembles a team of young men to establish his rule over the drugs and arms scene. In an interview with Mumbai Mirror, Deepa Mehta revealed that Jeet's role was based on Bindy Johal, a crime leader who operated in Canada, and was eventually killed in a nightclub in Vancouver.
Randeep has been introducing each of his 'boys' on Twitter, recently:
Meet the #BeebaBoys. #Manny - The Joker
— Randeep Hooda (@RandeepHooda) July 23, 2015
Meet the #BeebaBoys. #Harry - The Muscle.
— Randeep Hooda (@RandeepHooda) July 22, 2015
Meet the #BeebaBoys. #Jazz The Faithful
— Randeep Hooda (@RandeepHooda) July 21, 2015
Here's a look at the action-packed trailer:
The movie is scheduled for release in October in Hindi, Punjabi and English.
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